Is life whoooshing by?
Can we slow it down?
Or is it okay to want to speed up our production process just a little?
We can do it without creating that crazy busy lifestyle we are minimalizing down to...
Here are 3 steps to prioritizing our quilting projects (or any projects) to help gain a few moments in the day for savoring:
1. When choosing what project to do first, the obvious point is to consider your deadlines. If you have none (like me right now), SET ONE!!
For example, my Alison Glass Handcrafted fabric is calling to me desperately to become something beautiful. So I have chosen to do a secret project with it. I hope to announce next week what it is and what it's for!! But in order to do that, I have to create it!! See what I did there? Deadline!!
2. When planning your projects, have your favorite fabrics + patterns CALL OUT TO YOU!!
This may sound a little esoteric, but I'm a musician/artist, remember! LOL!! Most of my fabrics are calling out to me since I started only buying fabrics that speak to my soul. But some projects have a way of just not getting out of your head. They are a distraction! Make them!!
For example, I was so thrilled to get Anna Graham's new book, Handmade Style, a month ago. When our quilt guild (the Houston Modern Quilt Guild) had a Tote Swap this month, I had every intention of finishing Anna's Market Tote to swap (see point #1!! deadline!!). But alas, I did some late night sewing/cutting that was not fortuitous (ie...cutting up the lining fabric accidentally!)!!!
Now I realize that I can do a little bit more handsewing/quilting/embroidery to the tote since I've pushed my deadline to Quilt Market! (yep! still a deadline!) It's going to be fun!!
3. Justify those impulse buys by creating with them IMMEDIATELY!!
Ohhh my sweet Mr Gorgeous was so forgiving when I admitted that I bought these two layer cakes from Kim Kight this last weekend while she was at the HMQG meeting! (Wonderful guest! Very inspirational!!)
But in order to really receive the full forgiveness I deserve (i don't deserve any! we're supposed to be on a savings spree!!!! eeeeek!!), I am making him a new bed quilt out of these fabrics! I've picked my favorite fast and easy technique - patchwork - and my white fabric to intersperse in my 5" squares I'll sew together randomly!
What's next?? Make!! Create!! Do!!!
I'm off this weekend to finish these three projects and one more (if I can find where I stashed it! yikes!) at our Fall Quilt Retreat. I'm so excited to be able to get some sewing done! I've missed just sitting down and finishing! With these three steps, though, I was able to figure out among all 30 of my WIPS which ones I wanted to finish this weekend! Next Wednesday, I'll share with you how it's all going!!
What projects do you need to prioritize?
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